With financial support of TOSHIBA CORPORATION and FUJI ELECTRIC CO., LTD, the First Access successfully carried out the international symposium “Tokyo Carbon Conference 2014 - The Latest Hydroelectric Power Generation Technology” on 3rd October 2014. We welcomed Ambassador Andre Aranha Correa do Lago of Brazil, Professor Nobuo Tanaka (former Executive Director of IEA), Mr. Yukihiko Kazao, Corporate Vice President of TOSHIBA, and Dr. Shoichi Yamato, Senior Manager of FUJI ELECTRIC.
Ms. Hitomi Ohta, Representative, GREEN HEARTS/Mr. Yoshihsa Ohno, Director, First Access
Ms. Ohta reported the achievement of GREEN HEARTS, and Mr. Ohno announced that First Access won the certified NPO organization which can offer tax deduction for donors on 3rd October 2014.
「Hydro Energy Policy of Brazil - The achievement and our vision」Ambassador Andre Aranha Correa do Lago
Ambassador Lago, who hold prominent positions such as the Director-General of the Department of Energy of the Ministry of External Relations (2008 - 2011) and the Chief Negotiator for Climate Change and for Rio+20 Conference on 2012, has been deeply involved in energy / climate Change issues. Due partly to his brilliant career, Ambassador Lago described how Brazil has been utilizing hydro-electric power, as well as their high ambition about wind energy.
「Low Carbon Society and Energy Security」Professor Nobuo Tanaka (former Executive Director, the International Energy Agency , Global Associate for Energy Security and Sustainability, The Institute of Energy Economics, Japan)
Professor Tanaka delivered lecture “Low Carbon Energy and Energy Security” to explain the close link between the issues of climate change, energy security and renewable energy, connecting them with the key word “Carbon”. He indicated energy affairs of Iraq, Ukraine, and Iran with refer to energy security, shale boom in respect to energy supply side and the 21st session of the Conference (COP21) on the subject of climate change.
「The Outline of Hydro Electric Technology」「Introduction Toshiba Hydro Electric Technology」Mr. Yukihiko Kazao, Executive Officer, Corporate Vice President, General Manager, Power and Industrial Systems Research and Development Center, Power Systems Company, Toshiba Corporation
Mr. Kazao presented the most understandable interpretation about hydro-electric power generation. First he explained about the history of hydro-electric power generation in Japan, and then introduced latest technologies such as Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) and Adjustable Speed Pumped Storage System. He also presented the excellent delivery record of Toshiba hydro-electric power plants throughout the world.
「The Hydroelectric Power Technology of Fuji Electric」Dr. Shoichi Yamato, Senior Manager of Small Hydro, Hydro Power Plant Department, Power Plant Division, Power & Social Infrastructure Business Group, Fuji Electric Co., Ltd.
Dr. Yamato introduced about the description of mini and micro hydro power plants (mini: 100kW〜1MW / micro: less than 100kW), the types of hydro turbine (Reaction type: Kaplan, S-type, Horizontal, Diagonal and Vertical / Impulse type: Vertical, Turgo, Horizontal Pelton, and Cross flow). He also introduced the history of Fuji Electric, Siemens and Voith.
「The Outlook of Global Hydroelectric Power Business Market」
*Mr. Vitor Bahia Diniz, Head of Science and Technology Section, Brazil Embassy
*Mr. Yukihiko Kazao, Executive Officer, Corporate Vice President, General Manager, Power and Industrial Systems Research and Development Center, Power Systems Company, Toshiba Corporation
*Dr. Shogo Nakamura, Director, Senior Manager of Quality control and Assurance Department for Hydropower, Fuji Voith Hydro
Moderator; Professor Nobuo Tanaka
The symposium concluded with Panel Discussion titled “The Outlook of Global Hydroelectric Power Business Market”. The distinguished panelists discussed about the future trend of global hydro electric market and technology movement.
Minh-Marie Dang-Vu,
Graduate Program on Global Society, The University of Tokyo