First Access Profile
Koki Kanagawa
First Access Profile

- First Access (former:Hydronet Energy)

- 31th, March, 2006

- UK Office
Yoshihisa Ohno
Jing Wang (General Manager, UK Office)

- +81(0)3-5843-6967



- Japan Post, Itochu Corporation, Toshiba Corporation, Kokusai Kogyo Holdings Co., Ltd., Tokyo Electric Power Company, Toyota Tsusho Corporation. Osaki Coolgen (Joint venture funded by two Japanese power companies "Chugoku Electric Power Corporation" and "Electric Power Development Co., Ltd."), Spanner KK

- First Access is a COMPLETE VOLUNTEER NGO, which are paying NO SALARY to anybody. So 100% of your donation would be spent so supprt African children.
Bank:The Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ,Ltd
Swift Code: BOTKJPJT
Branch:Head Office(001)
Account Number: 0812384
Account Name: First Access
First Access Camerawoman Ms. Amelia Lee
Yu Nakamura
Hydronet Energy Profile